Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our very short vacation to the mountains we go.

Its been two days since we have been back from our very short vacation and trust me those two days of not being in Utah were the best 2 days of my life. I love being in Idaho and especially up at my familys cabin for lots of reasons. This time there was a lot of snow on the ground and usually we go up in the summer and seeing it in the winter is so breathtaking beautiful that it just takes your breath away. Don't get me wrong it does in the summer time to, just something about the mountains being covered in snow all you see is white, and Idaho is unique in its self. We got together has a family and cleaned the snow off the roof of our family cabin. I love getting away from technology and being with family makes it better. Danika climbed the ladder to the roof all by herself and then her and dad and most of everyone jumped or slide off the roof it was a blast. Being able to jump off is a scary thing its like in life you must take a leap a leap of faith that everything will be great and something will be there to catch you when you fall. You may not be able to know what is going to catch you but something always does. I loved watching Danika interact with Ridge and  Brinley it took her a few mins to warm up but she had fun playing trucks with Ridge. Then I picked up some new mascara to help my lashes and so far i'm in love with the results. I loved talking with my aunt and uncle and cousins I love seeing them and i'm very blessed that I get along with them. The mountains will always call our name, we love being in them.

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