Saturday, July 26, 2014

Being a Working Mother and I'm going to school for a month in August.

Growing up I never had the chance to do sports or to really take piano lessons or violin lessons because my family never had the money for me to be able to do things I really wanted to take part in or to be able to excel at and to get better at so that I could be really good in. That takes lessons and lots of practice in order to be able to get better at those things. In high school I found what my sport was and that was swimming, looking back I wish my parents would have had the money let me do it. My mom was a stay at home mom while my dad was the one that worked. He went back and forth with jobs and a lot of times they had welfare, now there isn't anything wrong with that i just wasn't able to do what I would have liked to do. Now some wonder why I chose to work full time instead of being a stay at home mom. I choose to work so that my husband didn't feel the financial stress of being a 1 person income now we are a 2 person income and so the stress tends to be less. We hardly ever have disagreements about money issues and he and I are happy, we also wouldn't have what we have if I would have stayed home with our daughter. Even though we are moving I would have had my house payed off before I hit 40 that is something alot of people in this day and age don't reach, or reach it at an later stage in life. We love all our cars and just purchased a new trailer for our four wheeler's. That is hardly the case though, I wanted my daughter to do any sport or musical instrument that she wanted lessons in, and give her more then what I had growing up. I also will teach her that she needs to earn things to, and work hard for the things she has. Yet how I grew up taught me that money wasn't important that I don't need it to be happy in life. If you put yourself to the task you will be able to achieve more than what you can. Then there is another thing in life she learns family is important the best thing in life is the bonds that you have and share with your grandparents. Those memories that you create with them are so important to your life, they wont ever leave your mind. My daughter isn't in a day care, she spends each day that my husband and I are working with either grandparents they have their days with her. These times with them help her develop a special bond with each one of them, and sometimes she spends the day at her aunt house to. She is always with family, if my husband and I aren't able to make it to family gatherings she goes with the grandparents so she meets the other family members. I let her go on trips with her grandparents to, though this separation can be hard and we miss her, she enjoys the time she has with the people she is with. She has an amazing bond with both sets of grandparents and i'm so glad that she is able to have that kind of bond with them. I receive pictures sometimes through out the day of her and what she is doing. I miss her at work and always think about her and hope that she is behaving for her grandparents which lucky for me she does really well even when she is sick. I feel that she has appreciation for my husband and I and she enjoys the days she has with us when we are both of and each of us one day off while the other one is working so she gets one on one time with us to we call it her "Special day".  Now i'm going to start taking a Phlebotomy class on August 4th  Monday and Wednesday nights and Monday night is going to be the hardest because I work 7-4pm and the have class 6-10 pm so I will have little time with her that day which means her bedtime might be later. On Wednesday I have it off so she will have the day with me and then spend time with daddy till he goes to basketball and she will then spend it with her grandparents. We will get off the same time that night, it is only for the month of August but this will help me get a better job so that I can help provide more and make it even less and we can have more money to put down on our house in Wyoming that we are building next year. When I hear her happy voice running and saying mommy with a huge smile on her face I know that I am doing things right and she is the happiest little girl a Mother can ever have, and that she has no resentment for how Bentley and I are raising her.
This is from the Family Reunion she attended with my parents today. 

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