Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Yesterday was a rough morning, we are selling my car to my sister and i had cleaned the night before listen to the radio and drained the battery. I had taken off all our house keys and left them in the house. Thinking the car would start, it didn't. I had Danika doctor apt at 8:30 I wasn't going to make it so I had to call my mom and ask her to come take me to work and take Danika to the doctors apt cause it was rescheduled for 10 am I worked at 10;30. While waiting I had to wait in my car it was cold and I felt like a bad mom because I have a diesase I have poor cicrulation in my hands and feet they freeze in 60 degree weather, her hands were cold there was nothing I could do to warm them up because my hands and feet where numb I felt so bad. I only had 9 oz of milk pump and thought she was good on formula... Well she wasn't so my mom had to pick some up to feed her at the end of the time she watches her. It is hard keeping up with Danika milk supply when I am not there to nurse every three hours.At work it is hard to pump every two hours I don't really get breaks besides lunch. The doctor has put me on fenugreek to see if that helps me produce more. I hope everything will work out for the best. Danika really makes me happy on my days that go so wrong. I love her to death she is my eveything my princess my little girl.

Happy Four year anniversary to Bentley and I, This was my anniversary gift this year. We knew we wanted to get a new car and spent 2 months seeing if we could tighten our budget so that we could get an SUV. The reason we wanted to get a new car, It was tight fitting in  Bentley's Mazda 3 with two people on trips and my Dodge neon was just to small too. We could barley fit two people stuff in his car we like taking our guns and bows and we have to take food with us when we go to Wyoming so we decided now that their is three of us it would be best also if we had another kid with a car it fits 5 and we are at five all ready so now we can have grandparents in the car too. Why we choose this one, I know I said i really wanted the 2013 Nissan Pathfinder but we decided that it didn't fit our "Lifestyle" we love the outdoors and this one fitted our life style  better. The 2013 is on a unibody and has lower clearance then the 2012 while as the 2012 is on a truck chassis and has more clearance so we can take it up in the mountains. Also the 2013 has only 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive, while the 2012 has 2 wheel, 4 wheel high and 4 wheel low drive. Bentley inisisted that I needed a backup camera which is true so we have a back up camera now. I really love the choice we made, I can't wait to take Danika through yellowstone when she is old enough to see out the windows we will be Higher up and she can see alot more.